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Becoming More Pronoun Inclusive in the Workplace: Now Available 

January 5, 2023

We’ve added a new training video to our collection! “Becoming More Pronoun Inclusive in the Workplace” is now available for distribution in our course library. We are looking forward to encouraging workplaces to adopt the guidelines included in the course. 

Why Becoming More Pronoun Inclusive in the Workplace counts:

-Being pronoun inclusive in the workplace makes a huge impact. While the statistics vary, more people who identify as transgender, non-binary, or with non-binary pronouns are living openly and entering the workforce. Being pronoun inclusive will allow your organization to be welcoming to a growing segment of talent. 

-Impact by example. When professionals outside of your organization see how inclusive you are they are often prompted to change their own behavior. 

-Want to grow in a positive way? More and more, young professionals are coming from university settings where pronoun inclusivity is the norm. Therefore, more people will be entering the workplace expecting the same. 

-Simply put, being pronoun inclusive is a reality that organizations need to embrace and it is the right thing to do to promote employee happiness. 

Some features of the training: 

-Created in an animated, explainer-style format that employees love. 

-Ten-minute video that is broken up into three fun-to-watch segments.

-Created to allow managers to track employee completion and comprehension with three short reflection pages and quizzes. 

-Written with consultation from an inclusivity scholar who lectures worldwide on the topic.

“Starting the conversation at an organizational level about understanding and using people’s correct gender pronouns helps ensure an inclusive culture where all voices are given equitable power.”

~Steven Huang, Head of Diversity and Inclusion for Culture Amp

Coming soon: 

Virtual meeting etiquette 

Tips for working in a hybrid workplace

Anti-bullying in the workplace

Resilience at work

Gaslighting in the workplace  

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