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Motivating Employees

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Course Description

How do you get your employees and team members motivated and actively engaged? According to the dictionary, you simply provide them with a need, desire, or reason to make a particular choice - or behave in a specific manner. Sounds simple, right? Unfortunately, motivating employees is much more than just offering the right prizes, bonuses, or incentives. To understand motivation, we'll first focus on making sure the foundational needs of your employees are being met, and then, look at what additional needs need to be taken care of to help them thrive. Finally, you'll learn how to assess the motivation level of your employees to better determine what types of programs, incentives, or changes should be put in place to effectively increase motivation within your organization.

Language:English, Slovenian

Course Features:0 hr 25 min / Audio Narration / Inline Quizzes

Course Level:Appropriate for all